Wednesday, January 20, 2010

More Newbies

This just in:
+ Sierra Nevada Glissade 6pk, 12pk and 24oz
+ Chimay "Blue" (Grande Reserve) and "White" (Tripel) 11.2oz singles and 4pks!

Also, I'd like to put in my request now with Jim Koch and the Boston Beer Company for Vermont to receive some of the new collaboration between Sam Adams and Weihenstephaner (Germany)! We want the beer! (Thanks in advance, Jim!)



Dan said...

Niice! Jeff any chance we will ever get Goose Island products in VT? I know they are distributed by AB. I'd love to not have to drive to NYC to get Bourbon County Stout!

Jeff said...

Hey db! I've been talking with our local AB distributor about the possibility of picking up Goose Island, but have yet to hear anything back that makes me believe we'll see it any time soon. I'll keep working on it, though. I love the BCS too!
