Sunday, November 21, 2010

Stone Lukcy Basartd Ale

At 10am Monday morning (11/22) we'll officially have the newest special release from Stone Brewing: "Lukcy Basartd Ale!" This is a blend of Arrogant Bastard, Oaked Arrogant Bastard and Double Bastard that was then dry-hopped! I gotta tell ya, I tried this one and it's friggin' amazing! Won't last long at all, so don't hesitate!


1 comment:

alanmarcero said...

City market released this last week. I guess they jumped the gun. Awesome beer, though. I didn't really get "Arrogant Bastard" from it given how light in color it was. I wonder if they're not telling everyone that they also put in some Stone Pale Ale or Ruination.

Either way, it was awesome. Not something I'd buy all the time, given the price, but it was an awesome beer to try once.

Really nice candy like malt background... that's what I got from it mostly.