Friday, March 6, 2009 beers are serious!

It's been a really good day for Vermont in the beer department. I stayed late last night making room for all the new goodies that were coming in today, and I was still late leaving today. Man...there's a lot of new goodies. So here's the skinny, ya:

+ De Struise (Belgium): "Black Albert" Royal Belgian Stout 11.2oz (The only 24 bottles available for retail sale in the state.) SOLD OUT! (Sorry...)
+ Dieu du Ciel! (Montreal): Péché Mortel, Denière Volenté, Route des Épices, Rosée d'Hibiscus, Corne du Diable (single 12oz)
+ Southern Tier (NY): Unearthly Imperial IPA 22oz, Hoppe Imperial Extra Pale Ale 22oz, IPA 6 packs, Phin & Matt 6 packs, Hop Sun Wheat Ale 6 packs, Variety 12 pack
+ Isle of Skye "Black Cuillin"
+ Weihenstephaner (Germany): Original lager 500mL and 6pk, Hefeweissbier 500mL and 6pk, Kristallweissbier 500mL, Hefeweissbier dunkel 500mL
+ Greene King/Morland Brewery (England): Ruddle's County 16.9oz, Abbot Ale 4pk cans, Wexford Irish Cream-stlye Ale 4pk cans, The Tanner's Jack 6 packs, Old Speckled Hen 4pk cans and 16.9oz
+ Pennichuck (NH): Saint Florian Dopplebock Lager 1 liter, Engine No. 5 Irish Red Ale 6 packs

Back in stock:
+ Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout 6 packs (Limited number, reserve some soon.)
+ Flying Dog Garde Dog 6 packs
+ North Coast Old Rasputin 4 packs
+ Pennichuck Backdraft Chocolate Porter 22oz
+ Hook & Ladder Golden and Brown Ale 6 packs

And we received a shipment of Arran Blonde and Dark from Scotland, but unfortunately they were past their code (out of date) so they had to go back. Bummer. Hopefully we'll get some fresh beer from them soon.

Ok, I think I got them all. Come and get it!


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