Thursday, March 19, 2009

Harpoon, Long Trail, Smuttynose and Sierra Nevada

As I'm sitting here sipping my freshest-of-fresh Harpoon Leviathan "Quad," I'm updating all my online accounts. I just did a review on BeerAdvocate and RateBeer for said "Quad" (a solid "B" score), and was browsing the News sections on BA to find a press release for Sierra Nevada. I guess they didn't give themselves enough of a headache by releasing a new year-round beer (Torpedo) which instantly went out of stock and is backordered virtually nationwide that they went ahead and announced another year-rounder! This one is going to be called "Kellerweis," an open-top fermentation Bavarian-style hefeweizen! I'm not sure if this means it's 86 for the current Wheat beer, but I would assume so. It's going to be released from the brewery in the summer of 2009. Not sure yet when we can expect to see it here in VT, but I'll let you know what I hear. Oh, and Torpedo left CA today headed to VT...should be back in our store next Friday. Reserve yours now, because the order coming is about half the size of the order the distributor placed with Sierra...a.k.a. it's going to run out again soon.

Smuttynose: Tomorrow (Friday, 3/20) we'll be getting the next Big Beer, their legendary "Imperial Stout." This is historically tied for my favorite stout of all time with Stone's Imperial Russian. I am so exicted, I can hardly wait!

Long Trail will launch it's new Brewmaster's Series Double IPA in the coming week or two. I can't wait. I've "heard" really good things about it...yes...heard.


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