Friday, October 15, 2010

Adds a-plenty

Got a lot of goodies this weekend, including a refill for the "Steals & Deals" Room.

Two from last week that I missed and both are Charitable Brews:
+ Harpoon Grateful Harvest Cranberry Ale 6 packs ($4 per case go to the VT Food Bank)
+ Abita S.O.S. ("Save Our Shores") Pilsner 22oz

And from this week:
+ Gavroche 750mL & 4 packs (my review on BeerAdvocate)
+ 3 Monts Grande Reserve 750mL (my review on BA)
+ Silly Saison 4 packs
+ Scaldis Peche Mel 11.2oz singles (now on draft at Bluebird Tavern! A must have!)
+ Wittekerke Framboise 6 packs
+ Troubador Magma Tripel IPA 4 packs
+ Harviestoun's Ola Dubh Special Reserve "16"
+ Marston's Pedigree English Pale Ale 16.9oz
+ Hop Ruiter 750mL (private label beer for Vanberg & Dewulf brewed at Schelde Brouwerij)
- Allagash Hugh Malone 2010 release 750mL

And for you sour beer fans: two breweries that have been gone from our shelves for over 2 years will be coming back very soon. Don't want to spill the beans yet, but you'll be excited!


PS> Go drink that Peche Mel at Bluebird Tavern...seriously good stuff!


Nick said...

Do you guys have an ETA on the Stone 10.10.10?

Jeff said...

Early November due to a shipping error at the brewery is what I'm being told. Sorry for the delay!