Friday, May 8, 2009

New, Super Limited and Closeout deals

Hooray! We just got in a small, but stellar shipment of new and exciting brews! Check these out:
+ Fantôme (Belgium) "Hiver" 750mL - Super limited!
+ Cantillon (Belg.) Gueuze and Kriek 750mL - Limited
+ Dieu du Ciel! (Montreal) Rigor Mortis Abt 12oz - Limited
+ Otter Creek Imperial IPA 22oz
+ Olde Burnside (CT) Dirty Penny growlers
+ Olde Burnside Ten Penny Ale growlers
+ Olde Burnside Ten Penny Ale Reserve swingtop bottles
+ Stoudt's Smooth Hoperator 6 packs
+ Kona Brewing 6 packs

We've also got HUGE deals on some closeout beers like Modelo Especial 12pks, Jolly Pumpkin Calabaza Blanca 6 packs, Corona 6 pack cans, Smirnoff Ice Light 12 packs, Stoudt's Winter Ale 6 packs (a robust porter), and Berkshire Brewing Co. Holidale 22oz (Barleywine ale).

Don't miss out! A lot of these won't even make it through the weekend.

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