Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Closeouts and new beer and Tax Increase Update

Once again, back to offer you some great deals! We just got a shipment of Jolly Pumpkin Calabaza Blanca 6 packs and Rogue Ales "Yellow Snow IPA" 5 liter mini-kegs and we're offering them both at huge price reductions! The price is too good to put online (I know, I hate it when people say that), but the mini-kegs were previously $42 and they are now significantly less than half that! You won't want to miss out on this!

Also added to the beer room today:
+ Chang Beer (Thailand)
+ St. Louis Lambics are now available in a 11.7oz package

I also got an update on the Senate proposed Tax increase today from Jim at VGA. He wrote:
" The tax bill is H.442. The Senate Finance Committee is considering the FMB tax increase as part of that bill. They also starting looking at a cigarette tax and spirits tax hike yesterday. They may vote something out this week....The spirit proposal is to increase the tax from 25% to 35%. The cigarette is a 25 cent increase per pack and there is also an other tobacco products tax."

Please consider writing to the list of Senators in my previous post and urge them not to raise taxes on Liquor, Beer, Specialty Beer or FMBs.


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