Thursday, September 25, 2008

Beverages of the Gods

Unexpected new things have graced our boisterous beer shelves from Delaware this week. The widely anticipated release of Dogfish Head's Theobroma (750mL) was under my radar, and I was surprised to get a photo-text of the new beer from co-owner, George, late Tuesday evening. Theobroma is an attempt to recreate some of the ancient South and Central American beverages that incorporated cocoa, honey, and alcohol. From the official D.H. website:
"This beer is based on chemical analysis of pottery fragments found in Honduras which revealed the earliest known alcoholic chocolate drink used by early civilizations to toast special occasions. The discovery of this beverage pushed back the earliest use of cocoa for human consumption more than 500 years to 1200 BC. As per the analysis, Dogfish Head’s Theobroma (translated into 'food of the gods') is brewed with Aztec cocoa powder and cocoa nibs (from our friends at Askinosie Chocolate), honey, chilies, and annatto (fragrant tree seeds)."

I cracked a bottle last night and let me tell you, that is one flavorful beer! It's a pale amber color, with a stiff white head, that leaves a slight lacing. The body is rather light, but the flavor of the cocoa and the chilies really come across. I was amazed at the drinkability - light body, huge flavor makes for an enjoyable experience.

+Also from Dogfish Head, Palo Santo Marron, a "brown ale" aged in palo santo wood casks. Calling this beer a brown ale is like calling Stone's Imperial Russian Stout a brown ale. This beer is dark and lush. Perhaps one of the most complex beers I've ever had! Check out my review for more (my handle is SFLpunk).
+90 minute IPA is back!

New Michelob beers are in (Pale Ale & Dunkelweiss), part of AB's push to break into the "craft beer" profits. And the widely advertised Budweiser American Ale is also out on the shelves.

Other news:
+Otter Creek has announced that they will be adding an IPA to their line-up, and the next stops on the World Tour Series will be a Belgian Double White (their first step into the high alcohol world), an Imperial Stout, and then an Imperial Pilsner. No release dates yet.
+Belgian brewery Bavik's "Petrus Golden Tripel" 750mL will be in for this weekend.
+Delirium Tremens will return this Friday (hopefully)
+We're in talks with Farnum Hill Cidery to plan a cider tasting in the near future. We'll also be picking up their whole line of sparkling and still ciders this week.
+BLOWOUTS: Stone Coast Knuckleball 6 packs & 420 IPA 12 packs, Labatt Heritage Classic 6 packs ($2.99+), Mike's Light Hard Tea 6 packs ($1.99+).

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