Monday, January 30, 2012


Yoooooooo peoples,

Lagunitas is HERE!  And it went like gangbusters.  Six different six-packs and three 22oz bombers.  The big winner = Lagunitas Sucks, which some of you know was the beer I was pushing for like it was nobody's business.  Sucks is the DIPA that Lagunitas brewed in lieu of Brown Shugga as B.S. is not cheap to make.  But the funny thing is, Sucks turned out to be amazing.  We'll be getting more six-packs tomorrow along with the Pale Ale which we did not receive and re-stocks of everything else.  The Bevie crew loved Sumpin' - a lighter hoppy IPA - and their regular IPA which was super drinkable at 6+%.

Speaking of Bevie crew, another epic tasting, this time involving more people, which = more beer.  Some of the highlights - Peche Mortel from DDC, the aforementioned Lagunitas, Lawson's Chinooker'd, Old Rasputin.  Some of the infamous highlights - Dogfish 120 Minute (care of an out-of-state friend) and JW Lees Harvest from 2002.  Yes, 2002 - we drank it to see how long it actually aged properly.  The answer - not 10 years!!  Aged into a very dank and sickly sweet plum flavor.  As for 120 Min, well, just not sure about the hype - that is not easy to drink.

Alright, it's beddy time for me.  Come say hello this week and try some new brews!

Evan G.


alanmarcero said...

Lagunitas makes a bad-ass pils.

Anonymous said...

120-Minute is definitely a sipper.

I've got several bottles in my basement beer nest. World Wide Stout, too. I'd love to see them in Vermont, even through the DLC, who don't seem to want to touch the stuff. You should push them for it! :)