Thursday, August 21, 2008

A New Beginning

As I sit here and write the first ever Beverage Warehouse online publication, I think it's only fitting that I am sipping on a Stone Old Guardian 2008. I am the protector and protégé of the Old Guard and part of the New Guard of beer and wine at Ye Olde Bevy. I should introduce myself. My name is Jeff Baker and I've been hired on (again) at the Bevy as the Assistant Wine Buyer and have since taken on serious Craft Beer buying after the VT beer-law changes in July of '08. (For a short list of my credentials, check out my profile...I won't bore you here.)

So that's me, and this is my way of keeping you, our loyal customers, updated about all the new beers that are pouring into our store (and our glasses), as well as any free in-store beer tastings, even
ts, my reviews of beers, and whatnot and what have you. To kick things off, here's a list of all the new beers that have been announced to us by our suppliers in no certain order. (Approximate dates are supplied where possible.)

Soon (or already): Delerium Tremens and Nocturnum, Gouden Carolus Grand Cru of the Emperor Red and Blue (Super Limited), North Coast Brewing (CA), Smuttynose S'Muttonator 22oz, Otter Creek Sphinx 22oz, Foret 11.2 oz bottles, Moinette Blonde and Bruin, Beire de Meil (Dupont), Avril Beer de Table (Dupont), La Chouffe, Houblon Chouffe, McChouffe Maredsous Double and Triple, Augustijn, Gulden Draak (also in 1.5L magnums!), Piraat Ale, Bavik Pilsner, Petrus Triple, Poperings Hommel, Troubador Blonde and Obscura, Stone Imperial Russian Stout, Gritty McDuff's Best Brown, Best Bitter and Scottish Ale 22oz, High and Mighty Beer of the Gods, Purity of Essence IPA, St Hubbins Belgian Golden Amber, Sono Distrutto Espresso Stout 22oz's, Orkney Skullspliter Scottish Ale, Froach Heather Ale, Orkney Dark Island Ale, Orkney Red McGregor, Orkney Dragonhead Stout, Berkshire Brewing Oktoberfest, Dogfish Head 90 Minute & Midas Touch, Southern Tier Brewing (NY) and some new A-B(InBev) products.

September: Victory Brewing (PA), Stoudts (PA), Erdinger Oktoberfest

October: Lagunitas Brewing (CA), Stone Double Bastard

On the list of "soon-ish:" Boulder Brewing (CO), Avery Brewing (CO), Dieu de Ciel (Montreal)

2009-ish: Oskar Blues (CO)

So that's that. I'll keep you updated as these beers roll into our store. Also, please be aware that our beer room is being reset, so your favorite brews might have migrated over an isle or two to make room for all these new goodies!

One last thing: FREE BEER TASTING!!!! Saturday, August 23rd from 2-5:30pm in the Beverage Warehouse. We're trying some of the new tasty's that have arrived. Free. Beer. Just come.

Cheers and beers,

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